9 Ways to Protect Kids from Consumerism and Why It's Important

9 Ways to Protect Kids from Consumerism and Why It's Important

We are programmed to want social acceptance. It’s not that we simply want to be accepted but that we feel we need to be accepted. In ancient times, if you were rejected by your tribe, you starved or died. No wonder this is a powerful driver for us. In our current consumerist society, and especially as young people, social acceptance and material things have become intimately linked.
June 08, 2018
How to Plan an Eco-Friendly Wedding on a Budget

How to Plan an Eco-Friendly Wedding on a Budget

Knowing that the average wedding creates a pile of waste the size of a car and pumps 62 tonnes of COs into the air can create a bit of angst before you’ve even begun the wedmin. But never fear – there are ways of dramatically reducing your impact while increasing the meaning and not breaking the bank. Here are our top nine tips for planning an eco-friendly wedding on a budget.
June 01, 2018
How to Buy the Best Baby Essentials

How to Buy the Best Baby Essentials

A visit to any multi-brand retailer before a little one’s arrival can fill parents-to-be with panic. Many stores offer baby lists to peruse and guides to follow, but be warned, they are often sprawling, lengthy documents with 50+ items. To help make sense of it all, we’ve pulled together our guide on how to source the best essentials, focusing on items that will last multiple newborn journeys.
April 10, 2018
Make your House Move the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Make your House Move the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Moving to a new house can rank up there as one of the most stressful times in your life. But it can also be a tremendous opportunity to reassess the objects that you have in your life and the kind of life you want to live.
March 23, 2018
5 Travelling Pitfalls and How to Combat Them

5 Travelling Pitfalls and How to Combat Them

Travelling is an amazing thing. You get to experience different cultures, cuisines, wildlife and learn so much about the world, but it is also a large burden on our planet. It makes you realise the negative impact humans have when you see waste everywhere. However, all is not lost! You can still have incredible experiences by just travelling more sustainably and being mindful. Here are five common pitfalls I have encountered when travelling and ways to combat them.
March 13, 2018
How to spring clean more mindfully in 3 easy steps

How to spring clean more mindfully in 3 easy steps

With our increasingly hectic lives and lack of time, it might feel as though your home is a dormant volcano full of unnecessary clutter ready to erupt at any moment. It’s time to act. The truth is that everyone has chaotic cupboards and disorderly drawers; piles of paperwork turn into towers on your desk and clothes and shoes wedge open your wardrobe.

March 02, 2018
The Inspirationals: Boyan Slat, CEO of The Ocean Cleanup

The Inspirationals: Boyan Slat, CEO of The Ocean Cleanup

Around the world, more and more people are working in exciting, smart and collaborative ways to help solve our most critical environmental issues. In the first of an ongoing series, BuyMeOnce celebrates the groundbreaking work of Boyan Slat and The Ocean Cleanup.
March 02, 2018
What Makes a BuyMeOnce Product?

What Makes a BuyMeOnce Product?

Over at BuyMeOnce HQ, we are asked three questions time and time again; why are the products we sell expensive, why are there products on our site without lifetime guarantees and what makes a product BuyMeOnce worthy? We wanted to take the time to address these questions and talk to you about what we do, how we do it and what makes a BuyMeOnce product.
February 20, 2018
Behind the Scenes: A Life Less Throwaway Launch

Behind the Scenes: A Life Less Throwaway Launch

This Tuesday saw a gathering of like-minded souls brave the chilly London air and head to Hatchards Piccadilly, a much-loved London institution, to celebrate the launch of our founder and CEO Tara Button’s new book, A Life Less Throwaway.
February 09, 2018
Our Top Beautiful and Useful Homeware Buys

Our Top Beautiful and Useful Homeware Buys

We've rounded up some BuyMeOnce homeware items that beautifully combine form with function and beauty with practicality; these are the perfect buys for a brand new home. 
February 07, 2018
Blogger Spotlight: Curiously Conscious

Blogger Spotlight: Curiously Conscious

Besma believes an ethical lifestyle is about being aware of and kind to yourself, others and the planet – topics she tackles with elegance and honesty on her blog Curiously Conscious. 

December 06, 2017
Blogger Spotlight: Lobster & Swan

Blogger Spotlight: Lobster & Swan

Jeska Hearne is the blogger behind one of the UK’s original lifestyle blogs, Lobster & Swan. Since 2007, she has captivated her audience with her distinctive and creative style and shown thousands of readers how to design a space filled only with things that bring you joy. 

September 29, 2017