Ten Easy Habits to Help Save the Planet

Ten Easy Habits to Help Save the Planet

Celebrate Earth Day every day with this collection of ten planet-friendly habits.
April 15, 2019
Introducing Loop: The grocery delivery service of the future

Introducing Loop: The grocery delivery service of the future

It’s the small things that make a big difference to the environment, and getting weekly products in reusable packaging has the potential to have huge positive effects in the fight against climate change.
April 02, 2019
How to Throw a Zero Waste Easter Gathering

How to Throw a Zero Waste Easter Gathering

Whether you’re celebrating Easter this year with family, friends, or both, we have some handy solutions in ensuring that your Easter gathering is as zero waste as possible.
March 29, 2019
6 Products and Honest Tips for a Low-Waste, Healthy Period

6 Products and Honest Tips for a Low-Waste, Healthy Period

Women were happily using reusable cloth pads for centuries until certain companies began touting the idea that throwaway products were more “sanitary.” Whilst periods are many things – painful, emotional, hugely inconvenient – they’re the most natural thing in the world. Conversely, throwaway sanitary towels are often made using plastic that won’t biodegrade and nasty chemicals to make them smell nicer.
January 11, 2019
Why Parents Love Wishbone Design Toys

Why Parents Love Wishbone Design Toys

Here at BuyMeOnce, we love Wishbone Design Studio because their ethos is aligned with the BuyMeOnce way of slowing down consumption by choosing durable, quality products that last a long time. But why do parents in more than 135 countries love Wishbone products?
October 12, 2018
Love Beer, Hate Plastic? Introducing the In the Drink Scheme

Love Beer, Hate Plastic? Introducing the In the Drink Scheme

Love drinking beer in the sunshine, but hate the mountain of throwaway plastic cups you’ve been served this summer? The number of disposable cups being served by the leisure industry is staggering. Each year 100 million single use plastic cups are served up at UK music festivals, that’s not even counting the number given out by pubs, party boats and small riverside events.

In the Drink is a new scheme aimed at encouraging bars and events in cities to ditch throwaway cups. This not-for-profit scheme rides on the changing public mood about the use of disposable plastic.

September 27, 2018
9 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Consumption and Save Money

9 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Consumption and Save Money

Looking at the problem of plastic waste in its entirety can be damaging and counterproductive, a bit like looking directly at the sun. If you can make reducing your plastic waste a slow, steady, thoughtful process then you’ve got much more chance of lasting success. With that in mind, here are 9 habits you can cultivate to help you on your road to a less plastic-filled life, without breaking the bank.

July 12, 2018
Cotopaxi Backpacks: Alleviating Poverty with Adventure

Cotopaxi Backpacks: Alleviating Poverty with Adventure

Cotopaxi are an ethical outdoor gear brand with a difference. A remarkable social mission might be the beating heart of the company but innovative, considered and durable design is the backbone. Read on to find out more about this brand and what we think sets their gear apart.

June 26, 2018
Your phone is going to die. Is there another way?

Your phone is going to die. Is there another way?

No matter how much you spend and how delicately you care for it, your phone will have a death day. Phone lifespans average about two years at the moment, reaching their demise often without being repaired, refurbished or recycled. Is there a better way? We take a closer look.

April 13, 2018
Brew the Best Espresso of Your Life with ROK

Brew the Best Espresso of Your Life with ROK

At BuyMeOnce, we’re keen to help you build a kitchen to last you (and your grandchildren’s grandchildren) a lifetime. And if you’re anything like us in the office, your day consists of running back and forth to the coffee machine just to keep upright, which is why we were so excited to come across the London-based brand ROK Kitchen Tools.
March 20, 2018
The Eco-Explorer: Camping Gear that Leaves No Trace

The Eco-Explorer: Camping Gear that Leaves No Trace

If you’re a regular outdoorsy type, you’ll be familiar with the ‘Leave No Trace’ signposts placed prominently throughout campsites and trail routes. But as the used potato chip packets wafting intrusively across the open expanse reveal, leaving no trace of you and your fellow campers can be a tougher challenge than pitching a tent in torrential rain.

March 16, 2018
5 Travelling Pitfalls and How to Combat Them

5 Travelling Pitfalls and How to Combat Them

Travelling is an amazing thing. You get to experience different cultures, cuisines, wildlife and learn so much about the world, but it is also a large burden on our planet. It makes you realise the negative impact humans have when you see waste everywhere. However, all is not lost! You can still have incredible experiences by just travelling more sustainably and being mindful. Here are five common pitfalls I have encountered when travelling and ways to combat them.
March 13, 2018