Use our hashtag #GreenFridayFriends to get involved.

What's wrong with Black Friday?

Okay let's talk about it. 

BuyMeOnce is all for taking advantage of sales to purchase things we really need, but Black Friday Weekend is a different beast altogether. Since it began in the early 1950’s, the weekend has marked the beginning of the Christmas shopping season and become synonymous with a temporary insanity. 

This might be the extreme end of the scale, but at its core Black Friday is still all about exploiting consumers by encouraging people to switch off their rational shopping filters. It’s this impulsive attitude we’re fighting back against.

How are we fighting back?

We won't be pushing any sales across the weekend, and instead will be using the day to spread a message of calm, conscious consumerism. We're encouraging other brands like ourselves who want shoppers to buy well and buy mindfully and banded together to become Green Friday Friends.

We’d love for you to join us by spreading the word on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram using the hashtag #GreenFridayFriends. You can also take part by thinking carefully before taking advantage of any Black Friday sales – because a bargain sometimes has hidden costs.



November 19, 2019 — Georgie Crosswell