5 Wedding Gifts that will Outlast the Newlyweds
Ah, wedding season. It’s finally here. Warm weekend afternoons and the promise of emotionally-charged ceremonies, delicious food and questionable dancing aplenty are in store, dear friends. Toggled to wedding fun comes responsibility and much to consider from outfits to accommodation, not to mention what clever, personally-nuanced gift to purchase for the bride and groom.
The Zero Waste Home: 11 Alternatives for Bathroom Essentials
Our lives revolve around convenience and cheap products wrapped in plastic, but at what cost? In this article series, I’ll aim to show that if each of us make small changes in our everyday life, we can make a huge impact on our waste production.
From Lightbulb to Smartphone: The Top 7 Built-to-Last Electricals
Have you seen The Lightbulb Conspiracy? If you haven’t, consider adding it to your Christmas film list. Maybe you’ve already had your fill of outrage for the year, but persevere – take a deep breath, absorb the information and you can always fix yourself.
Cull the Clutter: A Practical Guide to Decluttering
Six months ago, I arrived in London with everything I owned – my DSLR, a carry-on bag of travel essentials and a single (extendable) suitcase filled with my clothes and important possessions. Seems minimalist, but I assure you it took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to make it a reality.