A New Year’s Resolution: Mindful Eating

A New Year’s Resolution: Mindful Eating

When I promised to lead a more sustainable lifestyle as part of my New Year’s resolutions – including shopping more mindfully and transitioning to a low-waste lifestyle â€“ I also wanted to look at my dietary choices and how they impact the world.
January 30, 2018
A New Year’s Resolution: From Low-Waste to Zero-Waste

A New Year’s Resolution: From Low-Waste to Zero-Waste

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine who was visiting New York for the first time sent me a photo of a plastic-wrapped apple from her hotel and shared her first impressions of the country. “I see waste everywhere,” she declared. Outside, trash and boxes pile up on top of snow mounds.

January 12, 2018
A New Year’s Resolution: Shopping the BuyMeOnce Way

A New Year’s Resolution: Shopping the BuyMeOnce Way

By the time you’re reading this, Christmas decorations have been packed away, wrappers and cards recycled, resolutions listed out and pinned on the wall. The cat and I welcomed the first day of 2018 with an open notebook and determination to live a different lifestyle this year.

January 03, 2018