The Zero-Waste Handbag: How to be Clutter-Free On the Go

The Zero-Waste Handbag: How to be Clutter-Free On the Go

My handbag seems to act like a magnet for waste. Every couple of weeks I clean out a baffling amount of scraps and flyers, receipts, water bottles and plastic cutlery, tissues, freehand wipes and all sorts of other unidentified trash. But now I’m making a change.

September 21, 2017
Revealed: Why your iPhone only lasted one year |

Revealed: Why your iPhone only lasted one year

Who’s excited about the new iPhone release? Has it ignited a desire so white hot you spent the end of last week camped out along a major high street or furiously locked in a silent digital bidding war. No? Here at BuyMeOnce HQ, we’ve been left reeling from the latest revelation that the lifespan of an iPhone is just one year.

September 18, 2017
Revealed: Europe’s bold plan to kill planned obsolescence

Revealed: Europe’s bold plan to kill planned obsolescence

Good news Monday! Europe continues its fight against planned obsolescence by approving a resolution to make the EU Commission, member states and producers take action toward improving product repairability. A recent press release revealed that MEPs voted 662 to 32 to promote longer product lifespans “by tackling programmed obsolescence for tangible goods and for software.”

July 24, 2017
How to Host a BuyMeOnce Kid’s Party

How to Host a BuyMeOnce Kid’s Party

As a parent, balancing our daily lives with our values can seem like balancing two wriggling toddlers in each arm. Take eco-friendliness, for example. A children’s birthday party is potentially one of the most consumerist events in the annual calendar, so what steps could we take to try and create an event with less ecological impact?

June 24, 2017
3 Sunscreen Brands that Protect You & the Planet

3 Sunscreen Brands that Protect You & the Planet

It’s important to put on that sunscreen and protect your skin from those harmful UV rays, but what’s in that cream? Certain ingredients in sunscreen can not only damage your skin but the environment too. 

June 22, 2017
6 BuyMeOnce Summer Essentials

6 BuyMeOnce Summer Essentials

Seasonal shopping is a trap set by retailers to propagate our consumer culture. This year, invest in summer vacation essentials that will last for many years to come.
June 10, 2017
Things I Don’t Need

Things I Don’t Need

When I was growing up, accumulating things seemed like a right of passage through to adulthood. The choice between having and not having something was a no-brainer to me. You always want to have the thing. My constant refrain while out shopping with my mum was “But mummy I need it! I NEED IT!” And I believed this.

June 10, 2017
Minimalism is the New Black

Minimalism is the New Black

I used to think minimalism was mainly about being one of those tidy people who would only have one thing on their coffee table. Everything in the house would be white, shiny and space age and guests would never be able to tell where the door handles were.

May 26, 2017
5 Reasons to Buy Built-To-Last, Eco-Friendly Products

5 Reasons to Buy Built-To-Last, Eco-Friendly Products

Our guest writer Cody from EcoShoppr shares the reasons he’s buying things once and buying things green. The shopping world in 2016 may seem totally materialistic and impulse driven. But there’s good news: it’s changing. There can be enormous value in just pausing, taking a breath, and moving a small step back before you get catapulted to the checkout.

May 27, 2016