Your phone is going to die. Is there another way?

Your phone is going to die. Is there another way?

No matter how much you spend and how delicately you care for it, your phone will have a death day. Phone lifespans average about two years at the moment, reaching their demise often without being repaired, refurbished or recycled. Is there a better way? We take a closer look.

April 13, 2018
How to Buy the Best Baby Essentials

How to Buy the Best Baby Essentials

A visit to any multi-brand retailer before a little one’s arrival can fill parents-to-be with panic. Many stores offer baby lists to peruse and guides to follow, but be warned, they are often sprawling, lengthy documents with 50+ items. To help make sense of it all, we’ve pulled together our guide on how to source the best essentials, focusing on items that will last multiple newborn journeys.
April 10, 2018
End of an Era: Dr Martens scrap their lifetime guaranteed "For Life" range

End of an Era: Dr Martens scrap their lifetime guaranteed "For Life" range

Dr Martens have decided to scrap their lifetime guaranteed “For Life” range of boots and shoes with immediate effect. The decision to cancel the range was made without warning and without reason. We have contacted Dr. Martens for information, they have declined to comment.
April 04, 2018
Spotlight on Miele: Washing Machines and Vacuums Made Better

Spotlight on Miele: Washing Machines and Vacuums Made Better

When it comes to appliance longevity, Miele claims to set the bar. Their motto is “Immer Besser”, “Forever Better” in English. Their method is quality over quantity, legacy over short-term profit. Their philosophy isn’t just unique among the giants of appliance manufacturing, it's quite unique among large companies in general. Miele refuse to compete on anyone else's terms: they simply want to engineer the best product.
March 27, 2018
Make your House Move the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Make your House Move the Opportunity of a Lifetime

Moving to a new house can rank up there as one of the most stressful times in your life. But it can also be a tremendous opportunity to reassess the objects that you have in your life and the kind of life you want to live.
March 23, 2018
Brew the Best Espresso of Your Life with ROK

Brew the Best Espresso of Your Life with ROK

At BuyMeOnce, we’re keen to help you build a kitchen to last you (and your grandchildren’s grandchildren) a lifetime. And if you’re anything like us in the office, your day consists of running back and forth to the coffee machine just to keep upright, which is why we were so excited to come across the London-based brand ROK Kitchen Tools.
March 20, 2018
The Eco-Explorer: Camping Gear that Leaves No Trace

The Eco-Explorer: Camping Gear that Leaves No Trace

If you’re a regular outdoorsy type, you’ll be familiar with the ‘Leave No Trace’ signposts placed prominently throughout campsites and trail routes. But as the used potato chip packets wafting intrusively across the open expanse reveal, leaving no trace of you and your fellow campers can be a tougher challenge than pitching a tent in torrential rain.

March 16, 2018
5 Travelling Pitfalls and How to Combat Them

5 Travelling Pitfalls and How to Combat Them

Travelling is an amazing thing. You get to experience different cultures, cuisines, wildlife and learn so much about the world, but it is also a large burden on our planet. It makes you realise the negative impact humans have when you see waste everywhere. However, all is not lost! You can still have incredible experiences by just travelling more sustainably and being mindful. Here are five common pitfalls I have encountered when travelling and ways to combat them.
March 13, 2018
How to Make your Clothes Last as Long as You Do

How to Make your Clothes Last as Long as You Do

Caring for your clothes can be a daunting task. This is especially true if you’ve purchased an investment piece and want to keep it looking as great as it did when you first tried it on in the fitting room. Regardless of whether they’re machine-washable, dry-clean-only or made of cashmere or cotton, keeping these pieces looking fresh needn’t be a chore. Here are six surefire ways to keep your wardrobe looking as beautiful as you.
March 09, 2018
How to spring clean more mindfully in 3 easy steps

How to spring clean more mindfully in 3 easy steps

With our increasingly hectic lives and lack of time, it might feel as though your home is a dormant volcano full of unnecessary clutter ready to erupt at any moment. It’s time to act. The truth is that everyone has chaotic cupboards and disorderly drawers; piles of paperwork turn into towers on your desk and clothes and shoes wedge open your wardrobe.

March 02, 2018
The Inspirationals: Boyan Slat, CEO of The Ocean Cleanup

The Inspirationals: Boyan Slat, CEO of The Ocean Cleanup

Around the world, more and more people are working in exciting, smart and collaborative ways to help solve our most critical environmental issues. In the first of an ongoing series, BuyMeOnce celebrates the groundbreaking work of Boyan Slat and The Ocean Cleanup.
March 02, 2018
8 Amazing Resources for Traveling Mindfully

8 Amazing Resources for Traveling Mindfully

 In the same way you can vote with your cash to encourage a more ethical and sustainable fashion industry, it’s possible to support awesome, forward-thinking companies whilst booking your travels. There are loads of websites out there working hard to initiate change, so why not make your voice heard and your cash count?
February 23, 2018